ED2016 2/5 Reviews ED2016 Theatre Reviews

Dark Vanilla Jungle (Fear No Colours)

By | Published on Tuesday 23 August 2016

Dark Vanilla Jungle Ed2016

Aea Varfis-van Warmelo tries to hold the stage as Andrea, a young woman whose desperate quest to be loved has led her into surreal darkness and horror. The extreme violence just don’t sound right in Varfis-van Warmelo’s elegant voice, and her delivery only has two paces, either a feverish build to screaming or a stream of consciousness that sounds more like the actor attempting to learn her lines. Whilst Philip Ridley works best when stripped back to the most elemental, the table and jacket-draped chair seem to have come straight from a C Venues corridor, instead of an interrogation room. Fear No Colours have two Ridley plays at the Fringe this year, I’d advise you to see the other one.

C Nova, until 29 Aug.
tw rating 2/5 | [Francesca Peschier]