ED2011 4/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

Robin Ince’s Struggle For Existence (Robin Ince / PBH’s Free Fringe)

By | Published on Friday 19 August 2011

The relentlessly intelligent Robin Ince is performing four different shows at the Fringe this year, but there was enough delightful material in this one alone for six or seven more. Ince, a fast-talking bibliophile, whose erudition was sorely wasted as the warm-up man for Vernon Kaye’s vapid television games hows, had such an overactive, magpie-like train of thought that he needed an extensive flipchart to remind himself to cover every last fascinating but hilarious subject. His manic enthusiasm was compelling and inspiring, and I left wishing that he were my wise lecturer or slightly eccentric uncle. A better title for this wonderful hour would be ‘Audience Members’ Struggle For Leg Room’ – so get there early!

Buffs Club (RAOB), 7 – 10, 14 – 17, 21 – 24 Aug, 9.30pm (10.30pm), free, fpp142.

tw rating 4/5