ED2011 5/5 Reviews ED2011 Music Reviews

Amanda F*cking Palmer (Amanda Palmer)

By | Published on Wednesday 31 August 2011

Cabaret/punk rock star Amanda Palmer delivers a truly epic performance, complete with a 15 minute aerobics dance lesson (Amanda Palmer’s Fitness Power Hour), bagpiper, full brass section, guest stars, and – as Amanda puts it – “dramatic tension up the ass”. Palmer and her fellow band mates have an amazing chemistry and contagious enthusiasm, which easily spreads through the crowd. The performance is in no way flawless as Amanda’s experimental style and quirky personality makes that impossible, but regardless of the few mistakes, the audience were roaring for more. Indeed, the blunders allow Amanda to reveal her humour and humility, thus enthralling her audience further. Amanda Palmer is truly the queen of entertainment, providing an incredibly lively and unique performance.

HMV Picturehouse, 25 Aug, 7.00pm (10.00pm),  £14.00, n/a.
tw rating 5/5