ED2011 2/5 Reviews ED2011 Theatre Reviews

Kaddish For Pinter (Studio Earth, Scotland)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

Despite a strong cast and a script from respected writer David Ian Neville, this flawed tribute never comes together. Drawing heavily on ‘One For The Road’, the play reveals how the captors are as much in the dark as the captive. The three performers are assured and playful in their roles, determinedly drawing out what emotion and humour they can, while brief interactions with the audience add a sharp and appropriately isolating edge. However, it sets aside Pinter’s sparse style in favour of dense language, hairpin power shifts, and an uncompromising refusal to give anything away, leaving the audience with little to cling to. Ultimately bewildering, it leaves you wondering if it’s come to bury Pinter, not praise him.

Spotlites @ The Merchant’s Hall, 4 – 28 Aug (not 10, 22), 5.45 pm (6.45 pm), £10.00 – £12.00, fpp273.
tw rating 2/5