ED2012 2/5 Reviews ED2012 Musical Reviews

Princess Pyunggang (Bibimbam Theatre)

By | Published on Monday 20 August 2012

As soon as the smoke machines fired up I knew what I was in for: an hour-long, unimaginative folk fairytale where a princess falls in love with a pauper. Each role was horrendously overacted and the vocals were painfully strained and strangled, as the actors struggled to find their assigned harmonies. The dancing was even worse, and looked like it had been choreographed in a dance arcade. Several audience members fell asleep during the performance, but probably felt compelled to stay due to the ticket price. The finale provided a little entertainment, as the Korean taiko drumming was impressive, yet the rest of the performance wouldn’t have been fit for a high school drama production.

Paradise in Augustines, 14-27 Aug, 5.20pm
tw rating 2/5 | [Emma Obank]