ED2012 2/5 Reviews ED2012 Words & Events Reviews

Age Of The Geek (Hayden Cohen)

By | Published on Thursday 16 August 2012

As a self-confessed geek, and fan of spoken-word shows, I ought to have been Hayden Cohen’s ideal demographic. Indeed, by his scale, I am at least a level 15 geek. However much I wanted to enjoy it – and I did – I was left cold by the majority of this inconsistent show. The biggest problem was one of focus; it wasn’t clear whether this was for geeks, or about them. Obscure 80s video-game references sat uncomfortably next to outdated, clichéd “geek” gurning and socially awkward stereotypes. Though billed as spoken word, there was not enough of Cohen’s impressively rhythmic monologues, and these were punctuated with overly long songs and misjudged asides, which all served to disrupt Cohen’s rhythm.

theSpace @ Surgeon’s Hall, 10-25 Aug (not 12, 19), 3.05pm.
tw rating 2/5 | [Andrew Leask]