ED2013 3/5 Reviews ED2013 Musical Reviews

Guido! (Guidophiles)

By | Published on Saturday 3 August 2013

With even a title that is bursting with energy, ‘Guido!’ is a high impact show with saucy dance numbers, campy performances and cheeky comedy. The cast are super enthusiastic, with standouts being Amy Forrest and Tom Bailey who both give strong, confident turns as Elizabeth and Catesby respectively. The singing, however, was sometimes a little off-key and the comedic footing occasionally slipped which resulted in some good punch lines being either dropped or thrown away completely (and the repeated gay jokes were a little dated and very nearly in bad taste). The show could be really great if some of these issues are addressed, but purely on its potential ‘Guido!’ is an incredibly spirited and worthy musical.

C too, until 22 Aug, 3.50pm.
tw rating 3/5 | [Patricia-Ann Young]