ED2015 2/5 Reviews ED2015 Comedy Reviews

Me, Myself And ISIS (Banana Collective / PBH’s Free Fringe)

By | Published on Sunday 14 August 2016

Me Myself and ISIS Ed2016

A TV cop show collides with a collapsing sketch trio in Banana Collective’s multimedia show about shows. First off, it needs saying: this show had an awful night. Everything went wrong. Things broke, a curtain fell down, lighting issues rendered the projected video – vital to the story – unwatchable. The audience slumped into a laughless torpor, and the group themselves were clearly begging for it all to just end, please, end. I do feel the show has other problems, however: the self-referential narrative is not as clever or original as it thinks it is, and parodies of eighties US cop shows are very tired. But there is creativity and invention here, and it’s unfortunate I saw it on the night of a catastrophe.

T-Bar, until 29 Aug.
tw rating 2/5 | [Jon Stapley]