ED2016 4/5 Reviews ED2016 Comedy Reviews

Rahul Kohli: Newcastle Brown Male (Rahul Kohli)

By | Published on Sunday 28 August 2016

Rahul Kohli Ed2016

Growing up in the north of England, Rahul Kohli encountered racial prejudice as a kid, before evolving the sort of layered identity we all have – “Newcastle” and “male” in equal parts with the “brown” – which he evokes nicely. In adulthood, that wasn’t so much of a concern, until the events of this summer. Having entertainingly set out his own story, he’s also established the grounds from which to offer a refreshingly nuanced perspective on why that might be. Whilst not everything hits the mark, it’s largely smart, engaging and funny, while at other times pointedly edgy, poking around areas where he reckons the limitations of political correctness (which is “only for you honky motherfuckers”) have shut down discussion among otherwise right-thinking folk.

The Stand, until 28 Aug.
tw rating 4/5 | [Bruce Blacklaw]