ED2011 3/5 Reviews ED2011 Theatre Reviews

Shopping And F***ing (About Turn Theatre Company)

By | Published on Tuesday 30 August 2011

Do you know that sensation when you come out of a show and you have that funny feeling in your tummy, not sure if it is a giggle you swallowed, or something else? This production of a Fringe favourite was rather confusing. Indeed, as promised by the title, it contained a certain level of “Shopping And F***ing”, but there was a whole lot more. The company did a brave job staging this blend of transactions, dependencies, underage sex, drugs, love and pseudo rape – yet, all these themes thrown in together resulted in something of a confusing quagmire which I struggled to make sense of. However, sense was perhaps secondary in this production, as the various images cast were powerful and intriguing in themselves.

Gryphon Venues at The Point Hotel, 15 – 27 Aug (not 21), 5.00pm (6.20pm), £8.00 – £10.00, fpp296.
tw rating 3/5